Educational skills


Skills related to anesthesiology and pediatrics: resuscitation skills, basic CPR for infants, basic CPR for adolescents and teenagers, basic CPR for adults, Heimlich maneuver for infants, Heimlich maneuver for adolescents and teenagers, intubation for infants, intubation for children, intubation for adults, advanced CPR for infants, advanced CPR for adults, taking electrocardiogram, defibrillation, lumbar puncture for infants, lumbar puncture for adults. 
Skills related to obstetrics and gynecology: child delivery, Leopold’s maneuver, auscultation of the fetal heart, Ephesus and dilation, pelvic examination, chest examination, IUD insertion. 
Skills related to orthopedics: knee examination, ortolani test, fracture bandage, joint dislocation bandage. 
Skills related to eye: ophthalmoscopy, eye examination with Snellen chart
Skills related to internal diseases: auscultation of heart and respiratory system (getting familiar with different types of heart murmurs and pulmonary sounds), taking blood pressure, getting familiar with different types of arrhythmia (using arrhythmia machine), CVP line insertion, and taking electrocardiogram. 
Skills related to nursing: muscular injections, intravenous injections, subcutaneous injections, intravenous blood sampling, venipuncture in adults, venipuncture in infants, arterial blood sampling, administering enema, gastric catheterization, and performing the various types of nursing cares. 
Skills related to urology: catheterization of men, catheterization of women, testis examination, and prostate examination. 
Skills related to surgery: suturing hand wounds, suturing foot wounds, performing venous cutdown, chest tube insertion, cricothyroidotomy, different types of wound dressing, methods of hand washing and surgical gown wearing, and getting familiar with the tools used in operating rooms. 
Skills related to dermatology: getting familiar with different types of facial lesions.

Last Update At : 20 October 2024