About the school


The school of medicine in Ardabil was founded in 1993 and began its activities by admitting students in the fields of medicine, nursing, midwifery, and laboratory sciences. 
Shortly after that, in 1994, the school was upgraded to “Ardabil University of Medical Sciences” (ARUMS). As the years passed, the number of fields and degree programs offered in the university increased. In early 2006, the junior college of health was separated from the school of medicine. Later, this junior college was upgraded to the school of health. 
Furthermore, in 2011, the school of nursing and midwifery was separated from the building complex belonging to the school of medicine and Paramedical Sciences was relocated to a new building (the one that formerly belonged to the ARUMS vice-chancellery for health). 
Finally, in 2016, ARUMS school of medicine and Paramedical Sciences was transferred to its current building situated at: Ardabil, the end of Daneshgah Street, The Administrative Complex of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences; Postal code: 5618953141
Fields and degree programs offered in the school: 
Degree program  in  doctoral level: doctor of medicine (MD)
Degree programs  in  residency level: pediatrics, orthopedics, anesthesia, general surgery, internal diseases, obstetrics and gynecology, and neurology 
Degree programs  in  MSc level: clinical biochemistry, medical microbiology,medical physiology, and anatomical sciences
Degree programs  in  BSc level: Radiology, Clinical Laboratory sciences, Health Information Technology, and anesthesia (in both continuous and discontinuous programs) 
Contact: Tel: +98 45 33534679, +98 45 33534680 Fax: +98 45 33534703

Last Update At : 08 November 2020